Whistleblowing Policy

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    Introduction : Zenith Overseas is committed to conducting its business with the highest ethical standards and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. This Whistleblowing Policy aims to encourage and enable employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to raise any concerns about misconduct or unethical behavior they witness or experience within the company.

    Scope : This policy applies to all employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders who have concerns or suspicions about any form of misconduct or unethical behavior within Zenith Overseas . Misconduct or unethical behavior can include, but is not limited to, fraud, corruption, harassment, discrimination, health and safety violations, conflicts of interest, and violations of applicable laws or regulations.

    Reporting Procedure :  Any person who wishes to report suspected or actual misconduct or unethical behavior is encouraged to do so in writing to the following designated officer(s):

    Name:  Mahesh  Shrestha

    Title: MD/ Chairman

    Contact No: +977-9851035830

    Email: mahesh@zenithoverseas.com

    Alternatively, the report can be submitted through the Zenith Overseas dedicated whistleblowing hotline or email address. The hotline and email address will be publicized and accessible to all employees, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

    All reports will be treated confidentially and with the utmost sensitivity. Zenith Overseas will ensure that no employee or other stakeholder who raises a genuine concern in good faith will suffer any retaliation or discrimination as a result of their report.

    Investigation Process : Upon receiving a report of suspected or actual misconduct or unethical behaviour, the designated officer(s) will promptly and thoroughly investigate the matter. If necessary, external parties may be engaged to conduct the investigation. The investigation will be carried out in accordance with Zenith Overseas’s policies and procedures.

    If the investigation confirms that misconduct or unethical behaviour has taken place, appropriate action will be taken to address the matter, which may include disciplinary action, termination of employment or contract, and/or referral to the relevant authorities.

    Training: Zenith Overseas will provide training to all employees on the Whistle-blower Policy and the importance of reporting any violations or unethical behaviour they observe.

    Documentation: Zenith Overseas will maintain appropriate records of all reports made through the whistleblowing channel, including the nature of the concern and the actions taken in response

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